Monday, September 12, 2011

Another Exciting and Adventurous Week

Work is never a disappointment; once again I was meeting important people and being involved in important conversations. The most thrilling part of the week for me was when I was able to meet with the youth director for the DA. She was so passionate about her work with the DA and with the youth of South Africa. Here in South Africa there is a big problem with unemployment and unemployment with the youth (ages 16-25). They are the future of the country and with this being such a barrier the director of the DA youth is putting a main focus on ways to help and improve the unemployment and barrier’s they are facing. When I was listening to her explain what she does and wants to do I kept thinking to myself, “I have to find a way to work with the DA youth program” and to my luck when we were wrapping up our conversation she mentioned that she was going to ask my supervisor if she could use my help for a research topic. I will keep everyone posted on the DA youth and continue to cross my fingers that I will be able to help out.
In the two weeks I have been studying in South Africa I have loved every minute of it. However, I sure do miss home. It is hard to hear the voices of my loved ones and know that I won’t be able to hug them for 3ish months… Bahhhh makes me sad. BUT what does not make me sad are penguins!  I had no idea that South Africa had so many penguins!!!!! Saturday I traveled about 40 minutes to Simons Town. Once there I was welcomed by HUNDREDS of cute penguins! The best part is I was able to sneak and pet one of them. You are not supposed to pet the penguins because they bite, but I was lucky enough to catch one off guard; don’t worry I still have all my fingers.
Up the road from Simmons Town there was this exquisite sea food restaurant. I decided to give it a try and wow, it was good! The food in South Africa is very different than back home and sometimes a little frightening to try but once I give in I do not regret it.  From the restaurant I made the 15 minute trek to the Cape of Good Hope (the southernmost part of Africa). This place was unexplainable… I really have no words other than, who else can say that they have seen and put their feet in two oceans at once? Beautiful and breathtaking.
To sum my last two weeks up, below is a list of some of the things I have done…
1.)    Johannesburg
2.)    Apartheid Museum
3.)    Got Lost on the freeways
4.)    Meet a few amazing south African families
5.)    Snuggled a lion cub
6.)    Ran on the beach
7.)    Started work with the DA
8.)    Explored the Sea Point area (Where my apartment is)
9.)    Got Lost
10.) Taught some of my new South African friends how to play American football
11.)  Ate at some bomber restaurants
12.)  Shopping J
14.)  The Cape of Good Hope
15.)  Feel in love with South Africa
Hope you all enjoy the pictures and wish you were here with me!

1 comment:

  1. Aubrey, I have known your Mom for years and years. Yesterday she was bringing me up to speed with your new adventure. I asked her to give me your blog address so I could track your exciting journey!! Take care sweet girl!! Dave Pettingill (Russ Blaze)
