Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hi-Ho-Hi-Ho it is Off to Work I Go…

Last Monday I started officially working as an intern for the Democratic Alliance in Cape Town, South Africa. My first week and a half has flown by and I cannot wait for the many more I have to come.

My first day at the DA has been the most memorable “first day” I have had in my working career. It began a little hectic but only because there was a press conference that was being held by the DA that day, in fact it was held an hour after I arrived. I was briefly showed around and then told that I was to attend the press conference. Attending a press conference my first day was something I had never thought about, so being invited with one on my first day was extremely exciting. In brief, the DA called for a debate with President Zuma on the growing list of state deals that have been beneficial to President Zuma, his family, and friends. I loved every minute of the unexpected press conference and am awaiting more.
After such a bomber first day I craved more and the DA has done a phenomenal job of educating and welcoming me and the other new interns. I have gone on tours of the parliament, met with many of the MP’s and Whips of the DA, and even had a briefing with Athol Trollip, Parliamentary Leader of the DA. My first week and an half has not been disappointing!

As for my time in Sea Point, Cape Town, where I am living, it has also been eventful and not a disappointment. I am starting to feel settled in; I know what my favorite grocery store is, where I like to take my run, understanding that driving on the left side of the road isn’t really the “wrong” side, and even where to go to get the dinner deals. My favorite dinners are Wednesday’s and Saturday’s. Every Wednesday I walk down the street to a pasta joint that has buy one get one free pasta, so so so good! I get the pasta and a glass of pineapple juice that beats any meal in the states (minus Mexican food, one thing that SA doesn’t have). To let my stomach rest from all the excitement I wait until Saturday to go to my all time favorite place so far, Camps Bay’s Tuscany Beach. However, due to the changes in weather they have raised their prices, forcing me to go every other week.

Since I have gotten caught up living in Cape Town I hope to explore the culture and surroundings to my fullest. Cannot wait to update again! Enjoy the pictures, hey!


Lunch outside :-)

Joined the team...

Awesome dinner I made

Going to see coldplay here in a few months!

Flowers in Cape Town = AMAZING!

These are all over the place! They are HUGE!

Ohh how I love my front yard... :-)

My little friend

1 comment:

  1. Have an awesome time!!! It looks like you are going to have a blast!

    Josh Call
