Monday, September 19, 2011

Robben Island

This last Friday the weather made for a perfect day and even more, a perfect day to visit Robben Island. For those who are unaware of Robben Island, it is kind of like the Alcatraz prison in San Francisco. It has been in existence since the Dutch settled into the Cape and has been used for everything from a prison to a hospital for leprosy. It is most well known for the time during the Apartheid Republic of South Africa, 1961-1994. During this time it was used as maximum security of political prisoners and criminal prisoners, including President Nelson Mandela. My adventure at the island was incredible and I walked away having tremendous respect for those who were held at Robben Island during the Apartheid time. For a period of time I was given the opportunity to talk with an actual prisoner during that time. It gave me goose-bumps when he spoke of his time and what he went through and gained from the island.   

After the tour of Robben Island I stuck around the waterfront and was able to explore and eat some awesome fish and chips. The waterfront may be my new favorite hang out place due to the fact that they have REAL American ice cream, they have pirates ships, and aboard the ships they have people dressed as pirates. Awesome right? Right!

Just a side note… Good job Utes, what a game!!


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