Monday, October 10, 2011

Living the Dream

The last month and a half has been like a dream; everyday I wake up to the beach right out my window and go to work with an amazing party. I have been able to see and do things that I could never have imagined. I recommend an international internship to EVERYONE! Going to the University of Utah and having a program like the HIP is one of the best opportunities I have been given.

This last week was one of the best; I went to Coldplay! That’s right! Coldplay! I saw them at the Cape Town stadium. The stadium is a block away from mine and Brandon’s apartment and it is HUGE! I have never seen so many people in one place, it was great! Brandon and I even met some American’s that were sitting right behind us and we ended up exchanging contact information and going out to Long Street after (its like New Orleans in Africa). The night was seriously an experience I will never forget!

The weekend was also something I will never forget. I finally got into the ocean and used my body board; so much fun!! Saturday was insane; Brandon and I climbed Table Mountain. It was the hardest thing I have ever done!! The hike was intense! I felt like I was back in SLC rock climbing but this time I had no gear. It was crazy but once we got to the top it was breath taking! One of the most fulfilling experiences I have had.

As for interning with the DA; I am still meeting new people daily, helping with administration tasks, and continuing helping the DA Youth Director with the Youth Unemployment research.

Cape Town has been too good to me! Hope you all enjoy the pictures and are having fun in the cold!


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