Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cape Town = The Bomb

Sorry I haven’t kept my blog up to date; you know how life gets.  The last few weeks have flown by faster than ever! The weather hasn’t been the best but I have still managed to make the most of it. One Monday after work Brandon, Jan (my German friend that is interning at the DA), and I decided to go to the beach. We ended up climbing down tons of steps to find this amazing and secluded beach. It is in Camps Bay and is surrounded by trees and rocks, it really is awesome!! We ended up just hanging out for a while and loved it so much we went back Friday night just to play around. The water is usually FREEZING but Friday night it was perfect. We were all running around and having a great time!  Saturday the weather was rainy and cold but it was our friends last day so we decided to take a drive to Hout Bay. It was soooo cool looking, boats and mountains surrounded the beach. There was even a castle up on the hill.

Over the last few weeks everyone has been hearing about occupy Wall Street and how it is spreading around the globe and sure enough it hit Cape Town. It was lead by a 16 year old that is still in high school and appeared in the Gardens near parliament. Brandon and I wanted to see what Cape Town had to protest about and wanted to see the differences between Wall Street and Cape Town. All I have to say is they are both crazy but Cape Town was all over the place. There was a 30 minute debate about what a sign should read… it was pretty entertaining to watch.

With the weekends always being fun I would think I would have to pay the price with work being a little boring… BUT nope! Interning with the DA never gets boring! Sitting in the research office has been an experience. I am kept up to date on the world events and more importantly all South Africa’s events. I haven’t been assigned any more research projects on my own but hope to acquire some in the near future. I will keep you posted!

Also, since South Africa does not celebrate Halloween Brandon and I decided to take a little weekend holiday and go on a safari!! It is this weekend and I couldn’t be more excited! It starts with a horseback safari!!! I will be sure to take picture after picture and blog all about it when I return.

Hope all is well!! Cheers!

Right side of Camps Beach

Left side of Camps Beach
Hout Bay

Hout Bay

We tried to get to the castle but I guess someone really lives there

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